"A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints." Wilfred Peterson

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I sux at blogging

Well, I have attained my weight loss goals back in April/May and have been stabilizing now between 140-145. I have been slacking alot here lately and have to get back into the grove. I love my size 8's and I am looking forward to a fall wardrobe of cute smaller clothes!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thurs afternoon

I went and weighed in today.  I am down to 168.8#'s yeah!  I need to loose 1.2# more to hit the 40# mark.  My goal this week was to hit it by tomorrow at lunch.  We shall see....need to drink more water and work out tomorrow.

Thursday cold day today

I normally take off from the gym today and give it my day of rest.  But because I was a bad girl on Tuesday and didn't make it, I was going to get up and go this morning. But it was soooo cold outside and I just couldn't drag myself out of bed.  I will make sure I go both Sat & Sun this weekend. 

I ate pork last night.  Sigh...they are not going to like me at Slim4life today but it tasted so good and I ate a lean portion.  I will drink extra water today to flush it down. I am going out to eat tonight at Legends of Asia and will get my stir fry chicken & shrimp.  Then it is off to rehearsal and the big show tomorrrow night!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

lunch time

Just finished a delicious lunch of rotisserie chicken breast, salad, akmak crackers and 1/2 juicy red grapefruit (sprinkled w/splenda)...yummie! Calories 249. I went and tanned today. Had to warm up.

I am now working out 5-6 times a week for about 50 minutes at the YMCA. That and eating right!!!

Hump Day

Ok , this is the start of the blog, but the Journey started August 23, 2010 when I walked into Slim 4 life center in Independence. I was at 207 pounds. Actually before that even...I have been overweight especially when my husband and I were dating and we would go out to eat several times a week. I packed the pounds on.

I thought I might have had a thyroid issue because I found a lump in my neck. No way was my eating the reason for getting fat! It must have been a medical issue-besides, thryoid issues are prevalent in my family.
So I had many tests run and they all showed one thing. My thryroid was fine. I had to come to grips with reality that the reason why I was putting on the weight and getting fat was because I was eating too much. I do have a job where I sit at a desk all day, but I am fairly active outside of work even so....not enough exercise to balance my intake of calories.
In May of 2010 I started to have problems with retaining water. Thought it might be my menustrual cycle but after I was finished I continued to swell. The doctor put me on water pills. I have never had to take prescription medicine outside of a specific illness and definitely not on a regular basis.

Every time I walked or did something I found I was out of breath. I got married May 15, and many brides try to lose weight for their wedding and I did not even consider it.
Had a busy summer and come August, I knew I was not happy with my health. I did not like taking the pills, being out of breath etc. I walked into Slim 4 life because I knew a few people who tried it and heard all the radio news on it. Talk about pocketbook abuse! The program was expensive by the time you buy all the supplements but they don't tell you the cost up front. But I knew I wanted to be healthier so I decided to bite the bullet and join.

I like the plan (outside the cost) because they do monitor you several times a week, and give you a plan to follow for weightloss. The plan they have is regular grocery store food, but in healthy portions. Monitoring what you are eating. Beef no more than 3 times per week. Lots of fish / chicken unfortunately no pork, but they will adjust your plan as needed.

I found a free AP for my IPhone it is called LoseIt.  I love it! Works great as a food logging tool keeping track of calories and food intake.  I also have started buying my supplements from GNC & Walmart which is so much cheaper then Slim4life, but I am still going to the meetings and working with them.

I have recently went on the exercise plan which gives me more calories a day to help to continue stimulating the weight loss. They and others say if you don't get enough calories, your body will kick into starvation mode and will not burn the stored fat. The nice thing about the exercise plan is I get cheese!!!! I go to the YMCA 5-6 times a week doing elliptical and circuit training.

Well I will blog more later but this is what brought me to today-current weight 169.4 down 38.2